MEREL MEIJER / Graphic Designer / The Netherlands



Merel Lois Meijer

/ +316 30546889


/ The Netherlands

Contemporary Flavours
Contemporary flavours is an exhibition that we made to give a spotlight to the IST projects that the 2nd and 3th year graphic design students made that wanted to participated in the exhibition. IST means Individual Study Track and is a program 2nd and 3th year students need to follow every Wednesday. This can be in the form of your own project, a lab you take or a class at Leiden University. They can try out new things, broaden their reference and do something that they are really passionate about. We came up with this idea, because IST is something you do for yourself and is often not shared with the world. So, we wanted to give these projects a spotlight so the makers could share their passion with everybody.

In collaboration with Ralph Bruens and Fabiola van der Berg.

